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Rifle and Pistol Marksmanship
The rifle marksmanship module provides Soldiers with the critical information for their rifle or carbine and how it functions, its capabilities, the capabilities of the optics and ammunition, and the application of the functional elements of the shot process. This module is comprised of TC 3-22.9 and TC 3-23.35, and is specifically tailored to the individual Soldier’s use of the M4- or M16-series weapon. These TCs provide specific information about the weapon, aiming devices, attachments, followed by sequential chapters on the tactical employment of the weapon system. This module also discusses more advanced marksmanship topics, such as Sniping and Long Range Shooting.

Long Range Shooting
FM 23-10 covers marksmanship fundamentals, ballistics and effects of weather, data books, hold offs and engagement of moving targets, CBRN operations, camouflage, movement and tracking techniques, selection and occupation of firing positions, observation and target selection, range estimation, and mission planning and coordination.

Test Your Proficiency

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